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EPT believes in a personalized approach where every lesson is designed to meet the individual needs, interests, and learning styles of each student. Our Elite Students achieve better academic outcomes and foster a love of learning everyday, not just on field trip day. 

What exactly is a tailored curriculum?

Tailored curriculum can involve a range of instructional strategies, including differentiated instruction, project-based learning, and individualized assessments that don’t feel like a test. It is rooted in the belief that every student is unique and has different learning needs, interests, and abilities. Their learning should match their uniqueness. This educational approach recognizes that a one-size-fits-all curriculum may not be effective in meeting your student’s needs.

At EPT, we tailor our activities to take a student-centered approach, where the focus is on the individual student and their personal growth and development versus arbitrary benchmarks written by testing institutions. Our teachers understand each student's strengths and weaknesses, learning style, and interests, and use this information to create a customized learning experience.

“The studies included in our review suggest that personalized learning can lead to better academic outcomes for students…the effect sizes were substantial, with personalized learning students outperforming their peers by as much as 30 percentile points on standardized tests.”

Pane, J. F., Steiner, E. D., Baird, M. D., Hamilton, L. S., & Pane, J. D. (2015). Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning. RAND Corporation.

Did you know?

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation conducted multiple studies in 2015 that showed personalized learning contributed...

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