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Teachers monitor student progress without relying on formal tests. Regular informal assessments and ongoing feedback to students and families from teachers provides a more nuanced view of a student's abilities and progress than a single test score.

We NEVER Over-Test

Our teachers use a variety of assessment methods to gain a holistic understanding of a student's progress and abilities. We do not over test. Do students receive a report card? YES! Quarterly! Will I be updated on my student’s progress? Yes! You can decide how often you receive updates: Weekly, Monthly or Quarterly!

Daily Attention to Detail

Our teachers observe students daily to gain a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, and adjust their instruction accordingly. They provide targeted feedback and support to help students improve their skills. Teachers may also use appropriate formal assessment, such as portfolio assessments or performance assessments, to ensure that students are meeting the desired outcomes.

"Test anxiety can have a debilitating effect on a child's academic performance. For young students, the pressure to perform well on a test can be overwhelming and can cause them to experience physical symptoms like stomach aches and headaches. This can lead to a lack of motivation, poor concentration, and reduced self-esteem. It can also cause students to perform poorly on tests, which can further damage their self-esteem and create a negative cycle that can be hard to break."


- Dr. Karen Gouze, Clinical Psychologist and Vice President of Programs at the Child Mind Institute

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Approximately 36% of students experience moderate to high levels of test anxiety, which can lead to lower test scores and reduced motivation. (Source: American Test Anxieties Association)

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