Authentic experiences are learning activities that involve real-world situations, problems, or contexts which provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in meaningful ways. For our Elite Students, authentic experiences include hands-on projects, field trips, simulations, experiments, to community service projects.
Only 23% of employers believed that recent high school graduates were well-prepared for college-level work.
And only 26% of college faculty believed that recent high school graduates were well-prepared for college-level work.
In a 2015 study by the American Association of Colleges and Universities...
Then, in 2017, a study by the Wall Street Journal found that only 35% of college graduates were proficient in analyzing complex texts and interpreting data.
Our students participate in authentic experiences every week!
During these experiences students think critically and solve problems using a range of skills, such as inquiry, analysis, and evaluation. This allows students to make connections between what they are learning in the classroom and the world around them, which can help them develop a more nuanced and sophisticated understanding of the subject matter.